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Letting Squirrels Visit Your Property Can Cost You Thousands of Dollars

Are you a nature lover who enjoys watching furry animals frolicking in your backyard? Although squirrels may seem like adorable visitors to your property, they can actually cost you a pretty penny! These seemingly harmless creatures may be cute, but they can cause significant damage to your home and landscaping that can cost thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs. Squirrels chew through electrical wires, raid bird feeders and gardens, and wreak havoc on your property.

In this blog article, we'll explore the surprising ways that squirrel visits can hit your wallet and give you tips on how to prevent these little troublemakers from causing costly damage. So before you put away that tempting nut-filled bird feeder, read on to learn how squirrels can become costly pests and what you can do to protect your property and your wallet from squirrel removal!

Electrical Hazards & Freeloading

When squirrels visit your property, they may be more than just cute little visitors. These furry creatures can pose an electrical hazard and become freeloaders, costing you time, money, and peace of mind. Squirrels are notorious for their habit of gnawing on electrical wires, which can lead to dangerous situations like power outages, short circuits, and even fires.

The damage they cause to electrical systems can result in costly repairs and jeopardize the safety of your home. In addition, squirrels can also be freeloaders on your property, raiding your bird feeders, rummaging through your garbage, and damaging your landscaping in search of food and shelter.

If you're facing such problems, it's time to consider professional squirrel removal to protect your property from further damage caused by these pesky animals.

Dangers to Your Roof & Structural Damage

Squirrels are agile climbers and can easily scale trees and jump onto your roof. Once on your roof, they may chew on your shingles, fascia boards, and vents, causing holes and gaps that can result in water leaks and costly water damage.

Moreover, squirrels may create entry points into your attic by gnawing on vents or fascia boards, which can lead to further damage, such as insulation destruction and potential infestation by other pests. The constant gnawing and chewing on shingles and other roofing materials can compromise the integrity of your roof, leading to leaks and structural damage.

Water leaks from squirrel damage can seep into your home, causing damage to walls, ceilings, and even electrical systems. Squirrels can also create entry points into your attic, which can lead to additional damage. Once inside your attic, squirrels may chew on insulation, wiring, and stored items, causing further destruction and posing a fire hazard.

Energy Inefficiency & Noise Disturbances

In addition to physical damage, squirrels can also cause an increase in your energy costs. Squirrels are notorious for entering attics and building nests that can destroy your attic's insulation. Damaged insulation can lead to poor energy efficiency, making your heating and cooling systems work harder and increasing your energy bills. Repairing or replacing damaged insulation can be expensive, and ongoing energy costs can add up over time.

Squirrels can also be a nuisance with their constant activity and noise. Squirrels are active during the day and can cause a disturbance with their running, scratching, and gnawing noises. Their constant activity can disturb your peace and quiet, affecting your quality of life and overall enjoyment of your property.

Tips for Preventing Squirrel Damage & Saving Money

Squirrels can be persistent little critters, but with the right strategies in place, you can effectively nip their damaging behaviors in the bud and save yourself from costly repairs and replacements. Here are some tried-and-true tips for safeguarding your property and keeping squirrels at bay, all while keeping your budget intact.

Seal off Access Points

Squirrels can find their way into your home through small cracks and crevices in the roof, walls, and foundation. Conduct a thorough inspection of your property and seal all potential entry points to prevent squirrels from entering your home.

Trim Trees & Vegetation

Squirrels often use tree branches as a bridge to access your property. Keep tree branches trimmed and away from your roof to prevent squirrels from easily jumping onto your home. Additionally, trim any vegetation that may be too close to your property, as squirrels can use them as hiding spots or pathways to your home.

Install Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders

If you have bird feeders in your yard, you should choose squirrel-proof feeders that are designed to prevent squirrels from accessing the birdseed. These feeders usually have a mechanism that closes off access to the birdseed if a squirrel tries to climb or nibble on the feeder.

Use Deterrents

There are various squirrel repellents available on the market, such as ultrasonic devices, sprays, and granules that emit odors or sounds that squirrels find unpleasant. You can use these deterrents around your property, especially in areas where squirrels are most active, to discourage them from coming near your home.

Keep Your Yard Clean & Free of Food Sources

Squirrels are attracted to food sources, so keep your yard clean and free of food debris. Make sure to clean up fallen fruits, nuts, and seeds regularly. Additionally, secure your garbage bins and compost piles to prevent squirrels from rummaging through them for food.

Seek Professional Help

If you have a persistent squirrel problem or if you suspect that squirrels have already caused damage to your property, it's best to seek professional help. Pest control experts can assess the situation, identify potential entry points, and provide effective solutions to prevent further damage and remove squirrels from your property safely and humanely.

Remember, early prevention is key to avoiding potential damage and keeping your budget intact.

To Wrap It Up

While squirrels may be captivating and seemingly harmless, they can quickly turn into costly nuisances when left to roam free on your property. From electrical hazards to property damage, and health risks to garden raids, the hidden costs of squirrels can add up over time. Squirrel removal is essential to protect your property and budget.

It's crucial to take proactive measures such as sealing off entry points, using squirrel-proofing solutions, and keeping your property clean and tidy. By understanding the risks and taking steps to prevent squirrel damage, you can avoid costly repairs, replacements, and medical bills.

Ready to protect your property from squirrel damage and save on costly repairs? Fill out our contact form for Ohio or for South Carolina. Don't wait until it's too late - take action now and schedule a consultation with our squirrel removal experts.

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