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Image by Andrew Danks

Description: Birds can be seen just about anywhere. More then 900 species live in North America. Birds are warm blooded vertebrates known for their wings and feathers. Adult birds have toothless beaks, two wings used for flight (unless flightless), two feet with four toes on each foot and a claw at the tip of each toe. Because of the large number of species; size, shape, and colors of birds vary greatly. 


Habitat and Behaviors: Birds' habitats and behaviors vary greatly depending on the species. Some prefer habitats in urban, suburban, and rural areas for most of their activities while others prefer wetland or woodland areas. Birds' diets vary as well, they can find many ways to obtain food and can feed on a variety of food items including seeds, insects, plants, nectar, fruit, seeds, and even small animals. Some birds like to congregate in large numbers while others stay in small groups. Many bird species take full advantage of the availability of food and seasonal temperatures in other locations by migrating. In Ohio most birds migrate south in the fall and migrate back in the spring. Birds communicate using both auditory and visual signals. These communication techniques are used for a variety of purposes like warning signs, identification, mate attraction, and claiming territories. 


Reproduction: In North American spring is the usually the start of the breeding season for birds. Over 90% of birds species are monogamous meaning male and female are paired for years or at least during breeding season unless a death occurs to their mate. Most birds lays their eggs in some kind of nest, some can be elaborate while others can just be mark in the ground. The majority of bird nests are in some form of shelter, protecting them from predators. Incubation period of the eggs ranges depending on the species but can be as little as 10 days. Some birds can repeat their egg laying cycle up to three times in one year. 


Nuisance Concerns: Although birds are lovely to watch and listen to, some birds can be troublesome. Birds like starlings, pigeons, and sparrows can congregate in large numbers in urban areas creating large foul-smelling messes from their droppings. Their nesting materials can be fire hazards as they can block drain pipes and vents. Wood peckers can be another nuisance bird often causing structural damage to buildings and houses. In all of these situations control measures should be taken care of as soon as the problem has been identified. 


Dangers: Nesting materials from birds can cause a potential fire risk as they can block vents and drain pipes. Bird droppings can contain uric acid, which can cause structural damage to buildings and houses. The droppings can contaminate vents of buildings, municipal water sources, as well as food destined for human consumption causing outbreaks of gastroenteritis due to bacteria such as camplobacter and salmonella. Birds can also carry or transmit: histoplasmosis, ornithosis, and cryptococcosis (fungal and bacterial diseases acquired through inhalation of infected bird droppings), encephalitis, toxoplasmosis, and pseudo-tuberculosis (acquired through skin contact with infected animals, or consumption of contaminated food or water). Birds not only carry and transmit diseases they can also carry parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites. Bird and bird dropping removal can pose a huge risk to humans. It is extremely important that pest control specialists that understand the risks of diseases associated with birds and bird dropping removal remediate the problem. 


How Can We Help?: Bird and bird dropping removal can be very messy and difficult. Not to mention many birds are protected. Knowledge about the bird species, protection rights, and the risks they pose are very important. Removal or exclusion requires custom elements and tailoring depending on the specific situation. Our certified and knowledgeable technicians will come and provide you with a thorough evaluation. Based on your specific situation our technicians will trap, capture, exclude, and or remove the bird(s)s or nest(s). We offer biological cleanup and full sanitation of the infected area from the bird droppings. We can provide complete repairs on the destructed areas. We offer residential and commercial bird netting that can effectively exclude birds from any type of structure. We also offer a variety of bird exclusion products. The longer birds live and defecate in your home or building the worse the mess and destruction are, call us today and we can help take care of your bird problem!








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